Auchterhouse Hill (NO 354397, 424m)Balkello Hill (NO 361394, 397m)Craigowl Hill (NO 377400, 455m) 7.8 kilometres365m of ascent For complicated reasons that need not detain us here, The Oikofuge hasn’t been getting out much of late, to the extent that I had to miss this year’s rendezvous of the Crow Craigies Climbing Party. But as I … Continue reading Sidlaws: The Classic ABC Circuit→
Lundie Craigs (NO 281378, 353m)Keillor Hill (NO 281385, 334m)Donald’s Brae (NO 293396, c280m)Auchtertyre Hill (NO 293398, 278m)Newtyle Hill (NO 296399, 270m) 8.5 kilometres210 metres of ascent It’s been a while since I’ve posted a new walk in the Sidlaws. This one accesses an old ridge-walk from a new direction. I’ve previous visited these hills either … Continue reading Sidlaws: Long Loch Circuit→
So here’s a puzzle. I was wandering around in the snow in the Sidlaw Hills, back in February when random wandering around was still a thing people did, when I noticed an odd placename on my 1:25000 Ordnance Survey map: “Lundiecra Wood”. I’ve been nigglingly half-aware of it before, but on this occasion its … Continue reading Sidlaws: The Mystery of Lundiecra Wood→
Gallow Hill (NO 391413, 378m) Craigowl (NO 376399, 455m) Balkello Hill (NO 361394, 397m) Unnamed Point 328 (NO 360408, 328m) 12.1 kilometres 400m of ascent I had an equinoctial walk in the Sidlaws last week, to celebrate the supposed onset of Spring after a dump of snow earlier in the week had left the hills … Continue reading Sidlaws: Glen Ogilvie Circuit→
A short post this week, but with the potential for more reading than usual. Last summer, an invitation arrived out of the blue from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, to make a contribution to their magazine, The Geographer. They wanted me to write about the Sidlaw Hills, for an issue devoted to the River Tay. … Continue reading Secretive Sidlaws→
Today, the home page has acquired a new menu item: Sidlaws. This links to a set of pages that I’ve rather grandly entitled a “photographic gazetteer” of the Sidlaw Hills. There’s an introductory page (packed with useful background information, though I say it myself), and then a set of pages dealing with all the Sidlaws … Continue reading A Sidlaws Gazetteer→
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Introduction [<Previous Page] [Next Page>] Labothie Hill (NO 473417, 232m) Gaelic leth bothan “hillside of the hut” or lathach bothan “swampy place of the hut” Location: Outlier, east … Continue reading Sidlaws Gazetteer: L→
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Introduction [<Previous Page] [Next Page>] Keillor Hill (NO 280385, 334m) Pictish caled dobhar, “hard water” Location: main ridge, west central Neighbours: Lundie Craigs (S), Donald’s Brae (NE) Summit: … Continue reading Sidlaws Gazetteer: K→
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Introduction [<Previous Page] [Next Page>] Ingliston Hill (NO 344447) Scots Inglis’ toun, “farm belonging to Inglis” Hill slope above Ingliston farm, north side of Castleward Ironside Hill (NO … Continue reading Sidlaws Gazetteer: I→
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Introduction [<Previous Page] [Next Page>] Hallyburton Hill (NO 267378) From the personal name Haliburton Hill slope above Hallyburton estate, west of Lundie Craigs Hatton Hill (NO 311407, 266m) … Continue reading Sidlaws Gazetteer: H→