RealSpace Models 1/96 Apollo Block II Command/Service Module (Again): Part 3

Last time, I was contemplating how to add feedhorns to my High Gain Antennae from The Aerospace Place. The solution I eventually came up with was to use some 0.25mm fibreoptic strands, and to melt the ends into a blob by holding them close to a hot soldering iron. Sprayed white, these gave me something … Continue reading RealSpace Models 1/96 Apollo Block II Command/Service Module (Again): Part 3


ˈfʊlsəm fulsome: offensive to good taste, by reason of being done to excess A news organization has an obligation—and it is an obligation—to report news fulsomely, wholesomely and without fear or favor. That’s what Fox News has always done and that’s what Fox News will always do. Lachlan Murdoch quoted in The Guardian (13 March … Continue reading Fulsome

Helen Czerski: Blue Machine

For the past thousand years, the human history of the North Sea has been played out on a stage constructed largely of herring. I’ve written about Helen Czerski before, when I reviewed her first book, Storm In A Teacup (2017). At that time I mentioned that she is a physicist with a speciality in oceanography. … Continue reading Helen Czerski: Blue Machine

Ochils: Daiglen Circuit

Ben Ever (NN 983001, 622m)Ben Cleuch (NN 903006, 721m)The Law (NN 910996, 638m) 11.2 kilometres810 metres of ascent Another in my series of Ochils circuits, in which I trace a new outward route, but return by reversing the outward route of a previous walk. This one retraces my route over The Law, which was the … Continue reading Ochils: Daiglen Circuit

RealSpace Models 1/96 Apollo Block II Command/Service Module (Again): Part 2

Last time, I was about to embark on applying the bright chrome finish to the Command Module. This went on over a coat of Xtreme Metal’s Black Base, and turned out looking pretty good. Deceptively so, as it turned out. There were some nice specular metallic reflections: I set it aside to cure for a … Continue reading RealSpace Models 1/96 Apollo Block II Command/Service Module (Again): Part 2

How Apollo Left Earth (And Returned): Part 1

This is the fifth in my occasional series of posts about the orbits followed by the Apollo spacecraft as they departed from (and returned to) the Earth. It’s a companion to, and expansion of, my old post “How Apollo Got To The Moon”, informed by a more recent series of posts that culminated in my … Continue reading How Apollo Left Earth (And Returned): Part 1

Sidlaws: The Classic ABC Circuit

Auchterhouse Hill (NO 354397, 424m)Balkello Hill (NO 361394, 397m)Craigowl Hill (NO 377400, 455m) 7.8 kilometres365m of ascent For complicated reasons that need not detain us here, The Oikofuge hasn’t been getting out much of late, to the extent that I had to miss this year’s rendezvous of the Crow Craigies Climbing Party. But as I … Continue reading Sidlaws: The Classic ABC Circuit

Keuschnigg et al.: The Plateauing of Cognitive Ability Among Top Earners

How long before you find out if you’re really good, or you’re really lucky? Cole Trickle, Days of Thunder (1990) Is Elon Musk a genius or an idiot? Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times, 7 November 2022 These two quotations, one from a movie character played by Tom Cruise, the other from a newspaper business columnist, … Continue reading Keuschnigg et al.: The Plateauing of Cognitive Ability Among Top Earners

Orkney: Part 2

I finished my previous post about our Orkney trip with a photograph of the salvaged propeller of HMS Hampshire, which sits in the forecourt of the Scapa Flow Museum on Hoy. The Hampshire wreck actually lies on the seabed some distance from Hoy and Scapa Flow—between Marwick Head and Brough Head, on the Atlantic coast … Continue reading Orkney: Part 2

Orkney: Part 1

The advent of a new scheduled flight between Dundee and the Orkney Islands, off the north coast of Scotland, seemed like too good an opportunity to miss, and the Boon Companion and I booked seats shortly after the flights began in April. The route goes pretty much straight north from Dundee, and we had a … Continue reading Orkney: Part 1

A discursive blog on various topics of minor interest