RealSpace Models 1/96 Apollo Block II Command/Service Module (Again): Part 1

Those of you who’ve been following my build logs for a very long time will recall that I’ve built this model before, back in 2016, when I started assembling the Revell 1/96 Saturn V—which I completed three years later, putting the finishing touches to the last component just a few days before the 50th anniversary of … Continue reading RealSpace Models 1/96 Apollo Block II Command/Service Module (Again): Part 1

Isobel Wylie Hutchison: Peak Beyond Peak

I am quite clear in my own mind that I’d set my face in the right direction, though I don’t pretend to know why I should be destined to visit Greenland any more than Timbuctoo. Maybe I’m not, and I shall be able to visit Timbuctoo another day, for one journey leads naturally to another. … Continue reading Isobel Wylie Hutchison: Peak Beyond Peak


ˈpædʒəntrɪ / ˈpeɪdʒəntrɪ pageantry: 1) splendid display, gorgeous spectacular show; 2) empty or specious display, show without substance What pageantry, what feats, what shows,What minstrelsy, and pretty din,The regent made in MytileneTo greet the king. William Shakespeare, Pericles, Prince of Tyre Act V, Scene II The coronation of King Charles III got me thinking about … Continue reading Pageantry

The Solar System’s Place In The Milky Way: Part 1

When I wrote recently about the pole stars of other planets, I was aware of one thing my sky maps didn’t show—the rotation poles of our galaxy. They weren’t really relevant to that discussion, but I’m now prompted to write a bit about the Milky Way galaxy, and our relationship to it, because I’ve just … Continue reading The Solar System’s Place In The Milky Way: Part 1

Translating Street Names Into Gaelic

My own mental image that best gets to the nature of translation involves picturing each language as a fixed set of stepping-stones in a stream. Suppose you are translating from Burmese to Welsh. A Burmese utterance is a pathway from one place to another via the [Burmese] stones. They seem to be located in convenient … Continue reading Translating Street Names Into Gaelic

Moebius 1/144 Discovery Spacecraft: Part 7

Last time, I finished wiring and lighting the interior of the command sphere, and had it assembled and preshaded. The final part of the build was to put together all the various cargo pods along the spine of the spacecraft, as well as the dish antennae that featured as a plot device in the film. … Continue reading Moebius 1/144 Discovery Spacecraft: Part 7

Irene & Dorothy Topping: Legacy

The feeling of the entire group was that, we might be stranded in the middle of nowhere, but it certainly wasn’t the end of the world, after all, most of us had endured worse hardships during the war and overcome. So, we made up our minds to make the most of our un-scheduled break from … Continue reading Irene & Dorothy Topping: Legacy


ɪnˈdaɪt indict: to bring a charge against; to accuse (a person) of a crime These [members of a Grand Jury] have just INDICATED the 45th President of the United States of America, and the leading Republican Candidate, by far, for the 2024 Nomination for President. Donald Trump, Truth Social post, 30 March 2023 One has … Continue reading Indict

Ochils: Tillicoultry-Dollar Circuit

The Law (NS 910996, 638m)Andrew Gannel Hill (NN 918005, 670m)King’s Seat Hill (NS 933999, 648m) 17.4 kilometres910 metres of ascent Another loop in the Ochils, this one taking advantage of the Devon Way cycle/pedestrian path to make a return from Dollar to Tillicoultry. And, again, it was designed so that the return limb of this … Continue reading Ochils: Tillicoultry-Dollar Circuit

Moebius 1/144 Discovery Spacecraft: Part 6

Last time, I completed the wiring of individual sections of my Green Strawberry pod bay, and the neat little Falconware pods. This time, I’m assembling the bay and the extended pod platform, adding ceiling lights, and cramming everything into the Moebius command sphere. First, though, I needed to do a little surgery on one of … Continue reading Moebius 1/144 Discovery Spacecraft: Part 6

A discursive blog on various topics of minor interest