Airfix 1/72 Sikorsky SH-3D Sea King: Part 1

This one is pure nostalgia. There are much better Sea King kits around, but this is the one I built as an Apollo-obsessed child. It’s about 40 years old—a chance find on eBay. The instruction sheet really did get that yellow, inside a sealed box. A sticker on the lid gives its original price as … Continue reading Airfix 1/72 Sikorsky SH-3D Sea King: Part 1


It is a quality of Venice that everybody who sets foot there is impelled to share their experience either by writing about or making pictures of the city. J.G. Links, Venice For Pleasure To Venice, in November. Nice time of year for it—the streets are pretty quiet, and that strange pearlescent Venetian light is very … Continue reading Venice

Brian Lecomber: Three Novels

Brian Lecomber’s recent death (he died on 24 September 2015, at the age of 70), prompted me to pull his three novels out of the attic and read them again. He was first and foremost an aerobatic pilot, most recently known for his Firebird Aerobatics display team.  Here he is in action with John Taylor: … Continue reading Brian Lecomber: Three Novels

J.G. Links: Venice for Pleasure

Not only the best guide-book to that city ever written, but the best guide-book to any city ever written. Bernard Levin in The Times Joseph Gluckstein Links (1904-1997) wrote Venice for Pleasure in 1966, and it is now in its ninth edition. Venice being the city it is, and Links’s interests being what they are, … Continue reading J.G. Links: Venice for Pleasure


ˈpɒdəʊskæf Podoscaph: A canoe-shaped float attached to the foot, for walking on water The word is formed by attaching the Greek prefix pod(o)- (derived from pous, meaning “foot”) to skaphos, “ship”. In the fifteenth century, Leonardo da Vinci toyed with podoscaph design—but, realizing that they wouldn’t be a particularly stable mode of locomotion, he sketched … Continue reading Podoscaph

Phenomena: Introduction

Hardly a week goes by without some phenomenon in the natural world attracting my attention—the behaviour of waves and clouds, light and shade, animals and plants. There’s a great deal of physics going on out there, hidden in plain sight. Sometimes I can puzzle out what I’m seeing, sometimes I can look it up, sometimes … Continue reading Phenomena: Introduction

Building: Introduction

When I was a solitary, bespectacled and distinctly oikotropic child growing up in Dundee, there was a close approximation to Heaven at the end of the red arrow in the photograph. That, in the late 1960s, was the location of Brian Sherriff’s model shop in the Cowgate. The place was stuffed, floor to ceiling, with … Continue reading Building: Introduction

Three books About Colour

If you’ve been enjoying Dr Helen Czerski’s BBC4 series Colour: The Spectrum of Science (and why would you not?), then I find a cluster of related books on the shelves chez Oikofuge, all of which I can recommend. Philip Ball is a popular science writer of long experience, and his Bright Earth: Art And The … Continue reading Three books About Colour

Martin Caidin: Marooned

Not a series of novels, but two rather different novels, by the same author and with the same title, written five years apart. Martin Caidin (first) wrote Marooned in 1964. The novel concerned the fate of an astronaut trapped in orbit by the failure of the retro-pack on his Mercury spacecraft. I encountered it in … Continue reading Martin Caidin: Marooned

Reading: Introduction

I’ve always done a lot of reading. And now there’s a whole lot of reading-for-work that I can stop doing and replace with reading-for-pleasure. This is a Good Thing, because there’s something of a backlog of books to be read for pleasure. This photo is of about half the stash: The Oikofuge’s Boon Companion has … Continue reading Reading: Introduction

A discursive blog on various topics of minor interest