Tag Archives: Hills

CCCP 2019: Loch Eil

This year, the Crow Craigies Climbing Party stationed itself on the north shore of Loch Eil, a little west of Fort William. Poor weather was dominating England, dumping weeks worth of rain in a single day, and occluded fronts were pivoting continuously across central Scotland. But although our weather certainly wasn’t great in comparison to … Continue reading CCCP 2019: Loch Eil

Glen Shee: Carn a’ Gheoidh From The South

Carn Mor (NO 110750, 876m) Carn a’ Gheoidh (NO 106766, 975m) Carn Bhinnein (NO 091762, 917m) 16.7 kilometres 840m of ascent I’ve crossed Carn a’ Gheoidh in long traverses from west to east and from east to west, but never approached it from the south. The hill sends out a couple of ridges in that … Continue reading Glen Shee: Carn a’ Gheoidh From The South

Glen Clova: Brandy And Wharral Circuit

The Snub (NO 335757, 837m) Green Hill (NO 348756, 870m) The Goet / Ben Tirran (NO 373746, 896m) 16 kilometres 820m of ascent The U-shaped valley of Glen Clova is decorated on either side by rows of corries, like some sort of sampler of post-glacial topography. This was a trip around two of them, neither … Continue reading Glen Clova: Brandy And Wharral Circuit

Sidlaws: Glen Ogilvie Circuit

Gallow Hill (NO 391413, 378m) Craigowl (NO 376399, 455m) Balkello Hill (NO 361394, 397m) Unnamed Point 328 (NO 360408, 328m) 12.1 kilometres 400m of ascent I had an equinoctial walk in the Sidlaws last week, to celebrate the supposed onset of Spring after a dump of snow earlier in the week had left the hills … Continue reading Sidlaws: Glen Ogilvie Circuit

Secretive Sidlaws

A short post this week, but with the potential for more reading than usual. Last summer, an invitation arrived out of the blue from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, to make a contribution to their magazine, The Geographer. They wanted me to write about the Sidlaw Hills, for an issue devoted to the River Tay. … Continue reading Secretive Sidlaws

Braes Of The Carse: Pole Hill to Murrayshall Hill

Shien Hill (NO 174267, c.210m) Pole Hill (NO 196261, 288m) Law Hill (NO 170259, c.255m) Murrayshall Hill (NO 165254, 279m) 12.1 kilometres 350m of ascent (including detours) The  original object of this jaunt was to see if I could find easy access to Pole Hill, which I’ve previously visited. On that trip, I came over … Continue reading Braes Of The Carse: Pole Hill to Murrayshall Hill

Borders: Eildon Hills

Eildon Mid Hill (NT 548323, 422m) Eildon Wester Hill (NT 548316, 371m) Eildon Hill North (NT 555328, 404m) 10.8 kilometres 530m of ascent The Eildons, like the Pentlands, are hills I’ve glimpsed from the air, but never visited until now. The classic cluster of three peaks makes them unmistakable, and gave its name to the … Continue reading Borders: Eildon Hills

Pentlands: Kirk Burn Circuit

Bell’s Hill (NT 204643, 406m) Harbour Hill (NT 207653, 421m) Capelaw Hill (NT 216659, 454m) Allermuir Hill (NT 227661, 493m) Caerketton Hill (NT 235661, 478m) Castlelaw Hill (NT 224647, 488m) 14.8 kilometres 685m of ascent I’ve been meaning to get back to the Pentlands since my previous trip, last year. This time I wanted to … Continue reading Pentlands: Kirk Burn Circuit

Braes Of The Carse: Glen Carse Tour

Balthayock Hill (NO 189240, 219m) Unnamed Point (NO 191237, 208m) Unnamed Trig Point (NO 193231, 184m) Glencarse Hill (NO 185227, 182m) Pawns Hill (NO 180229, c.125m) Goukton Hill (NO 180218, 99m) Pans Hill (NO 184216, 105m) 11.3 kilometres 387m of ascent You’ll have spotted that I’m having difficulty coming up with descriptive names for some … Continue reading Braes Of The Carse: Glen Carse Tour


Back in 1995, a little packet of laminated cardboard diagrams fell through my letterbox. Dave Hewitt, editor of The Angry Corrie, wanted me to write a review of these items. Which I did—it appeared in TAC25, Nov ’95-Jan ’96. They were called ViewFinder Panoramas, they’d been created by Jonathan de Ferranti, and in my opinion … Continue reading PeakFinder