Tag Archives: Hills

Sidlaws: More About Smithton

I’ve been intrigued by the lost community of Smithton since I climbed Smithton Hill this time last year, and then read David Dorward’s description of its namesake—“Former farm-toun W of Lundie village, deserted, abandoned and demolished within the past half-century.” This was living memory for Dorward, writing in 2004, because he used to visit Smithton … Continue reading Sidlaws: More About Smithton

Sidlaws: The Balshando Hill Expedition

Balshando Hill (NO 278355, 266m) 6.7 kilometres 140 metres of ascent So, Balshando Hill was a bit of a puzzle to me. It’s a bald-topped mound surrounded by a ring of forestry with the charming name of Naiad Wood—a Greek mythological reference that’s unusual hereabouts. And around Naiad Wood there’s a ring of farmland. But … Continue reading Sidlaws: The Balshando Hill Expedition

Sidlaws: Blacklaw Hill & West Mains Hill

Another two-parter. These two outliers sit either side of the A923 just east of the point where it passes through the main ridge of the Sidlaws at Tullybaccart. Blacklaw Hill (NO 288344, 284m) 7.4 kilometres 200 metres of ascent Well, this first one is a fine example of what happens if you just look at … Continue reading Sidlaws: Blacklaw Hill & West Mains Hill

Sidlaws: King’s Seat and Buttergask via Round Law

Round Law (NO 232337, 257m) King’s Seat (NO 230330, 377m) Buttergask Hill (NO 230340, 307m) 9 kilometres 330 metres ascent This was a couple of hours of exploration, looking for a route to King’s Seat and Buttergask Hill that doesn’t involve traversing this section of ridge from either the Dunsinane end or the Gask end … Continue reading Sidlaws: King’s Seat and Buttergask via Round Law

Lorn: Creach Bheinn

Creach Bheinn (NN 023422, 810m) 13 kilometres 980 metres of ascent The last time I climbed Creach Bheinn, it was in a sleet-storm that I imagined was going to pass over to reveal the fabled westward view from the summit. Instead, it clamped down and increased in intensity. When I finally dropped below the clouds … Continue reading Lorn: Creach Bheinn

Sidlaws: Auchterhouse Hill Circuit

Scotston Hill (NO 346400, 373m) Balkello Hill (NO 361394, 397m) 9.5 kilometres 370 metres of ascent This little circuit was an effort to connect together various paths I’d used in three previous, longer walks in this area. I parked at the Balkello Community Woodland and headed northwest, to pick up a path that runs westwards … Continue reading Sidlaws: Auchterhouse Hill Circuit

Sidlaws: Kinpurney To Castleward

Kinpurney Hill (345m, NO 322417) Back Drum (287m, NO 336430) Castleward (273m, NO 343438) 14 kilometres 500 metres of ascent (with detours) Two glens penetrate the north side of the Sidlaw Hills—Glen Ogilvie and the Denoon Glen. Between them, they create three ridges that point northwards from the central bulk of the Sidlaws. I’ve walked … Continue reading Sidlaws: Kinpurney To Castleward

Sidlaws: West End / East End

Another Sidlaws day of two halves—the morning at the west end of the ridge, the afternoon at the east end. Bandirran Hill (NO 203314, 275m) 3 kilometres 130 metres of ascent Bandirran is as far west as you can go on the Sidlaws ridge and stay above 250m altitude. To stay high and go farther … Continue reading Sidlaws: West End / East End

Sidlaws: Lorns To Labothie

Lorns Hill (NO 443399, 243m) Dodd Hill (NO 452396, 255m) Carrot Hill (NO 458401, 259m) Labothie Hill (NO 472416, 232m) 10 kilometres 190 metres of ascent This low ridge is an outlier of the main Sidlaws range, and pretty much its eastern last gasp. It stands out on Google Earth as a little curved strip … Continue reading Sidlaws: Lorns To Labothie

Sidlaws: Kincaldrum to Finlarg

Kincaldrum Hill (NO 414436, 309m) Unnamed Point 315 (NO 411431, c350m) Finlarg Hill (NO 406419, 336m) 14 kilometres 370 metres of ascent Of the whole Sidlaws ridge, there was one last little section above the 300m contour that I hadn’t visited. I’d looked north-east across Lumley Den to Finlarg Hill when I was on Ironside … Continue reading Sidlaws: Kincaldrum to Finlarg