Tag Archives: Hills

Scottish Hill Lists: The Corbett Revisions

In a previous post, I wrote about the three “classic” Scottish hills lists—the Munros (1891), Donalds (1935) and Corbetts (1952), and how these were brought together, in a publication commonly referred to as Munro’s Tables, by the Scottish Mountaineering Club in 1953. As a way of displaying the topographic data for these hills, I also … Continue reading Scottish Hill Lists: The Corbett Revisions

Ochils: Glen Sherup Circuit

Innerdownie (NN 966031, 610m)Whitewisp Hill (NN 955013 643m)Tarmangie Hill (NN 943013 645m)Ben Shee (NN 952039, 516m) 16 kilometres675 metres of ascent On my previous visit to the Ochils, when I walked in to Ben Cleuch from the north, I looked down on Glen Sherup from Ben Shee and thought that another enjoyable circuit could be … Continue reading Ochils: Glen Sherup Circuit

Patrick Baker: The Cairngorms—A Secret History

The view had a massive visual scale. It felt cinematic: an epic horizon like the opening credits of a David Lean film. A path scrolled out ahead of me, eventually fading into the middle distance. Across the plateau I could see other tors emerging from the mist: dark, maritime shapes, spectral galleons held up on … Continue reading Patrick Baker: The Cairngorms—A Secret History

CCCP 2022: Kingussie

After a gap of two years during which the Covid pandemic prevented the Crow Craigies Climbing Party assembling in our usual force, we were back together again, this time in Kingussie. Despite the looming presence of the Cairngorm plateau nearby, I managed to spend my time without ever creeping over the 3000-foot contour—I arrived nursing … Continue reading CCCP 2022: Kingussie

The Tarmachan Ridge

Meall nan Tarmachan SE Top (NN 589385, 922m)Meall nan Tarmachan (NN 585390, 1044m)Meall Garbh (NN578383, 1027m)Beinn nan Eachan (NN 570383, 1000m)Creag na Caillich (NN 562377, 914m) 14.8 kilometres850m of ascent Some days even I give up on trying to come up with new ways to climb old hills, and just go out and walk a … Continue reading The Tarmachan Ridge

Glen Prosen: Driesh From The East

Hill of Strone (NO 288729, 850m)Driesh (NO 271735, 947m) 18.3 kilometres890 metres of ascent Driesh is usually climbed along with it neighbour to the west, Mayar. Most people seem to come in from Glen Doll in the north, a route I’ve previously described, but the longer approach from Glen Prosen in the south has its … Continue reading Glen Prosen: Driesh From The East

Scottish Hill Lists: The Classics

If you’ve spent any time at all reading The Oikofuge, you’ll have gathered that I’m quite interested in hills—climbing them, looking at other hills from their summits, understanding their names and their place in history, landscape and land-use. What you won’t have seen me mention very often is the plethora of classifications that have been … Continue reading Scottish Hill Lists: The Classics

Sydney Scroggie: The Cairngorms Scene & Unseen

The Cairngorms lay beneath what was now a local bonnet of cloud. Everything else was in sunshine and dazzling with colours, cobalts and browns and bright greens, all the peaks around glowing with the pristine pigments of an illuminated manuscript, as far as distant Lochnagar and Beinn a’ Ghlo. Then even the interior gloom began to … Continue reading Sydney Scroggie: The Cairngorms Scene & Unseen

Lomond Reservoirs Circuit

East Lomond (NO 243061, 434m)West Lomond (NO 197066, 522m)Bishop Hill (NO 185043,461m) 20 kilometres710 metres of ascent Having previously climbed West Lomond and East Lomond from the Craigmead car park, and having made a more recent traverse of Bishop Hill from the Holl Reservoir car park, I decided it was time to chain all three … Continue reading Lomond Reservoirs Circuit

Bishop Hill Circuit

Bishop Hill (NO 185043, 461m) 13.5 kilometres370 metres of ascent Bishop Hill is a prominent ridge on the far side of Loch Leven for anyone driving on the M90. Together with West and East Lomond, it encloses an area of tilted terrain, dotted with reservoirs, northwest of Glenrothes. I parked at the Holl Reservoir car … Continue reading Bishop Hill Circuit